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PATHS is greater Portland’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) high school. Maine’s CTE schools offer hands-on, technical and career-focused education. PATHS programs prepare students for a wide range of high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand careers. PATHS provides its students with the opportunity for relevant and challenging applied learning experiences designed to enhance their occupational, personal, and academic success while preparing them to meet the needs of the Maine workforce.

PATHS programs prepare students to be ready for career and post-secondary
opportunities by:

  • Delivering expert instruction in national industry-related standards and technical skills.
  • Providing an opportunity for student academic success through multiple pathways.
  • Partnering with area employers and local industry to ensure that students are ready and prepared to meet the needs of the workforce.
  • Introducing and reinforcing general employability skills that are common to all work environments.
  • Coordinating with postsecondary partners to facilitate a seamless transition into continued learning opportunities.
  • Providing a safe, positive, and enriching environment within the classroom, laboratory and business community which fosters creativity, individual achievement and promotes the students' abilities to succeed.