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Mission & Core Values

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide opportunities for students to acquire 21st century academic, creative, and technical skills needed for entry into the global workforce and/or post-secondary education in order to become contributing members of their community.

Equity Statement

PATHS is committed to supporting every student's journey to career readiness and post-secondary education by promoting equity in all policies and procedures, eliminating barriers to success, encouraging family engagement, and establishing and maintaining businesses and community partnerships to guide and support all students. We recognize that racial, religious, gender, gender identity, socio-economic, ableism, and other inequities exist in our society and schools and commit ourselves to enhance our educational awareness and intolerance to any overt or underlying issues that hinder equity for all.

Core Values:


PATHS is committed to providing students with an authentic and rigorous Career and Technical Education (CTE) learning environment; building skills and knowledge that expand creativity, problem solving and the innovation required for the current and future workplace.


We believe that as a CTE center, one of our inherent strengths is our relationship with our community partners. We will support and advocate for our students, families, schools, businesses and each other, as well as seek to expand these relationships.


Empowering Professionalism:

We will continue to embrace our professional responsibilities, be  self-reflective and committed to personal and professional growth.  Through equal and consistent accountability and support for both students and staff, we will develop effective and innovative teaching and learning practices.  


We recognize that effective communication is vital to healthy organizations. Therefore, we will practice open, honest and regular communication with our colleagues, students, and our community partners.

Trust & Collaboration:

In order to have a supportive and respectful culture for each other and our students, we recognize the need to nurture an environment of trust.  Individually and collectively we will construct an atmosphere of collegiality recognizing that our combined experiences and perspectives guide our efforts to create an atmosphere of trust and collaboration.