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Workplace Readiness

PATHS programs use workplace readiness standards as part of every student's ongoing grading.

Employers across Maine agree that workplace readiness skills are essential in every career path.Workplace readiness skills are embedded in instructional simulations, project-based learning, work-based learning, and Career and Technical Student Organizations.  Soft skills are an essential part of Career & College Readiness and help to prepare students for a successful future. Students with workplace readiness skills can apply these employable skills in all areas of their lives. 

1. Dresses appropriately for work and maintains good hygiene.
2. Demonstrates regular attendance and punctuality and arrives to work on time.
3. Demonstrates a positive work ethic.
4. Demonstrates appropriate workplace behavior.
5. Manages time effectively and stays on task.
6. Works effectively and efficiently with all members of a team. 
7. Communicates effectively with supervisors, peers, and clients.
8. Responds appropriately to supervision and feedback.
9. Demonstrates a positive attitude.
10. Follows written and verbal directions. 
11. Takes initiative.


12. Demonstrates the ability to satisfy clients.
13. Troubleshoots and solves workplace problems.
14. Keeps materials organized.
15. Applies academic skills to professional work.
16. Produces and organizes written documents.
17. Maintains tools and equipment properly.
18. Follows all safety guidelines and procedures while performing a task. 
19. Demonstrates the ability to troubleshoot and solve technical problems.
20. Demonstrates the ability to locate and research information or data.
21. Uses telecommunications devices appropriately.