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PATHS Students’ Artwork at Pinecone + Chickadee

An exhibition of work by students in the Commercial & Advertising Art program at the Portland Art and Technology High School (PATHS) has been installed at Pinecone+Chickadee, located at 6 Free Street in Portland.

“Over the past two months, my two classes designed an exciting art show titled 'Into the Dreamscape' that features 26 original works of art on wood panels exploring the theme of dreams,” said Elizabeth Long, program instructor. “Along with prints and buttons, we also have screen printed t-shirts for sale that were designed by each student and then printed with Little Chair Printing. We were fortunate enough to be awarded an Equity Grant to be able to do so. It's been amazing seeing students become confident in their skills and ability to price and sell their work.”

The show began April 4 and is open to the public through May 1. After that, some students will be moving their pieces over to the upcoming Portland Public Library student exhibition, Long said.


Posters depicted were created by PATHS students for the exhibition. Shown above is a poster by Deering High School senior Emily Segal.
Shown below (left to right) are posters by Izabella Densmore, Gorham High School senior, and Chloe Brydon, Casco Bay High School junior.