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Culinary Arts

The Culinary Arts program is designed to prepare students for entry level cooking positions in the hospitality industry. Graduates will also be ready to study culinary arts at the post secondary level. Over the course of two years, students will learn  personal and professional skills needed to be successful in commercial foodservice: kitchen sanitation, food safety, knife skills, cooking techniques, flavor theory, culinary math, basic food writing, and photography.  Every Friday, we open The Bistro which serves the student body and staff at PATHS. We also offer private catered luncheons and sometimes host meals in the evening for school-related functions. On Wednesdays, we invite industry leaders to come speak and/or work with us in the kitchen.
Students who complete the program can further their education or enter into the workforce as a prep cook, baker, restaurant manager, food buyer, restaurant reviewer and more.

Is this program a fit?

I enjoy:

  • Working with food and tasting new things

  • Working as part of a team and taking care of guests

  • Working under pressure and cleaning



I am able to:

  • Pay Attention to Detail & Follow Directions - when following a multi-step recipe and chef instructions

  • Perform Technical Skills- using a wide range of tools and equipment safely

  • Maintain Physical Endurance- sustained periods of standing, and participating in and facilitating gross fine motor activities 

  • Meet Industry Requirements- wear a work uniform and follow industry dress code including no jewelry, no artificial nails, and a head covering.

  • Work Collaboratively- work cooperatively and professionally with classmates

I am comfortable with:

  • Math - algebraic and geometric skills

  • Reading- interacting with technical documents and college level text

  • Science- life sciences

  • Writing- conveying data and other written forms of communication